March 20, 2023
You might have heard your acupuncturist mention Moxibustion as a treatment option. This unfamiliar term needs some definition and clarification for most. So, what is it? Moxibustion is defined as a form of heat therapy that involves burning the dried moxa plant and leaving it on or very near the skin’s surface, thus promoting the flow of “qi” and eliminating certain pathogens in the body. continue reading »
March 7, 2023
Your relief may be immediate, come on after a few hours, or may be noticeable within a few days. This relief may be permanent, or may last days, weeks or months. Depending on your condition, and how severe or chronic your symptoms have become, you may begin to experience relief after one or several treatments.
In rare instances, symptoms may briefly become worse or “flare-up” after a treatment. The post-treatment flare-up is self-limiting, and usually resolves within 24 hours. If you notice an exacerbation of symptoms after your treatment, please notify me for support about how to manage the flare-up.
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March 7, 2023
Most patients report a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation after acupuncture, and can continue about their day with no restrictions. Occasionally, some patients may report feeling light-headed, dizzy, tired, or nauseous after a treatment. Symptoms usually disappear within 10-30 minutes, but it is always advisable to listen to your body and rest if you need to. Slight bruising or residual muscle ache at the needle insertion site may also be experienced.
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