- Santa Monica Wellness Center12304 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 218
West LA, CA 90025(310) 451-7170
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Sign Up for Our February Workshop — Activate Your Inner Superpowers: Realizing Radical Peace, Love and Well Being for 2019 and beyond
Activate Your Inner Superpowers: Realizing Radical Peace, Love and Well-Being in 2019
Saturday, February 16, 2019 – 11 AM-1PM – Presented by Drs. Patricia Fitzgerald and Lauren Howard
In this workshop, we will learn how to let go of what is not serving our highest good, such as toxins, unhealthy emotional patterns and limiting belief systems. We will learn to access inner wisdom to create a life with more peace, harmony and love, independent of outside circumstances. We will explore the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine transformative practices of qigong and healing sounds, meditation, nutrition, and herbal medicine–all presented with modern applications to allow for more joy in 2019 and beyond…
Presenters: Santa Monica Wellness Center Practitioners Drs. Patricia Fitzgerald and Lauren Howard
Location: The meditation/yoga studio at Have Body Wellness (upstairs from Santa Monica Wellness Center)
12304 Santa Monica Blvd , Suite 200 , Los Angeles, CA 90025
Fee: $30 Prepaid, $40 at the door (based on availability); sign up at info@havebodywellness.com or mindbodyonline.com
Bonus: Have Body Wellness is offering our patients and their friends/family members who attend our workshop a week unlimited pass to their beautiful yoga-meditation-pilates studio for just $20!
Each workshop participant will receive a free copy of Dr. Fitzgerald’s bestselling book , The Detox Solution: The Missing Link to Radiant Health, Abundant Energy, Ideal Weight, and Peace of Mind
It’s All In Your Head: Headaches and TCM
There are four main types of headache: tension, cluster, sinus and migraine. And, there are varying triggers for these headaches, such as food, stress, hormones, dehydration and weather. Fortunately, eliminating the triggers and finding natural ways to prevent and help an ongoing headache are possible. continue reading
Acupuncture for Harnessing Willpower
Ever had one of those days or weeks where you just can’t pull yourself out of bed in the morning? Or perhaps you just can’t say “No!” to the dessert tray. Regardless of the activity, willpower is what keeps some people disciplined. But it doesn’t make you a bad person if you have dessert with every meal, buy more shoes than you really need or take longer to get going in the morning. It just means your willpower isn’t strong. And just like any other habit, that can be changed. continue reading