- Santa Monica Wellness Center12304 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 218
West LA, CA 90025(310) 451-7170
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer
Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery.
The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in constant pain. What many people don’t realize is that acupuncture can be a great source of hope as it helps bring physical relief to many of the symptoms caused by traditional cancer treatments. continue reading
Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management
If you or someone you love suffers from type 2 diabetes, then you understand the challenges that come with this disease. Despite adhering to a medication regimen and making positive lifestyle changes, those dealing with diabetes might still struggle with managing blood sugar levels. Frustration and fatigue can be constant companions. But did you know that acupuncture can help with diabetes management? Whether you are skeptical or desperate for some help, it’s worth looking into acupuncture as a source of hope and help in managing this often-tricky disease. continue reading
Benefits of Working with Allied Practitioners
How your acupuncturist can build bridges among your health care team.
Let’s see if we can set the scene of something remarkable, something that could become the future of healthcare. Picture yourself walking into a doctor’s office or health clinic looking for relief from your debilitating chronic pain. The nurse calls your name and leads you into a serene treatment room. As you settle onto the examination table, the door opens and you are greeted by not just the familiar face of your acupuncturist, but also by a team of allied practitioners working in harmony to address your health concerns. continue reading